Everyone who rose from the dead in the Bible [infographic]

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Miracles do happen! By definition, miracles surprise us (in a good way) and cannot be explained by natural or scientific law, and therefore are a work of the divine. We know that God works all things for good (Romans 8:28), even when circumstances are most bleak.

We dare not trivialize death – it is too potent, sorrowful, grievous and awful to do so. But Jesus breaks through what seems like an ending and gives us hope for eternal life. His own death and resurrection is the ultimate answer to life’s biggest question: is death final?

You can experience this hope, because He offers eternal life freely. Here is how.

As we celebrate Jesus’ triumph over death this Easter, we are thrilled to share with you this infographic that shows how God completely interrupted the course of nature and resurrected the totally dead, and brought glory to Himself. Here are ten instances in the Bible where God broke all the rules.

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